Paris: Tips for the second/third/fourth time traveler.

Rue Montorgueil

Palais Garnier

Paroles De Fromagers

Buttes Chaumont

Jardin du Luxembourg

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Last month was my tenth time visiting and it gets more beautiful each time. I will say, having lived in France as an undergrad and law student, the thing that resonated me with most was everyone's friendliness. In the past, my experiences with strangers in France were always ehhhhh- sometimes nice, sometimes prickly - even after my French became very good. This time around, the Parisians were brightly friendly and gracious and it was wonderful. What sparked the change? Maybe progression, multiculturalism, realizing the importance of tourism. I don't know but it was welcomed.So, here is a list of things for anyone who is REvisiting Paris.1. Stay in a neighborhood and get lost with the locals. Where to do this? I recommend Rue Montorgueil - it is a Parisian playground and amaaaazing. Street cafes, cheese shops, happy hour - what more could you want? It is quintessential Paris living and may have you reconsidering your residency.2. Do a professional cheese tasting. France has the best cheese in the world hands down. Explore whether you're a goat milk or sheep's milk, white or blue, hard or soft rind kind of person. I recommend Parole des Fromagers. You can book directly or through AirbBnb experiences.3. Visit the gardens. The Jardin du Luxembourg and Parc des Buttes Chaumont offer lush green space, views of Paris, and great spots for consuming un peu du vin or reading a book.4. Embrace the art. Whether it's opera or ballet, the venues are beautiful. We saw a ballet at Palais Garnier and I spent more time marveling at the ceilings than the dancing. And there's so much history everywhere you turn.5. Pack lightly5.5 (Corresponding with 5) Walk the Boulevard Haussmann for its beauty and some of the best shopping in the world.